Allyson Felix and her husband Kenneth Ferguson are expecting their second child. The couple announced the news ahead of Thanksgiving. The couple also revealed the gender of the baby, which happens to be a boy. The 11-time Olympic medalist is expecting her first son in April 2024.
Ferguson took to his social media to announce the pregnancy. He shared pictures of themselves at a serene location. Felix was seen showing off the prenatal test's picture. They were both seen wearing caps with 'Mom' and 'Dad' inscribed.
While Felix was seen wearing a black T-shirt and trousers, Ferguson opted for a T-shirt with a quote that said, 'We're pregnant but mostly her'. Ferguson even wrote a sweet caption expressing his delight.
"It still doesn’t feel real to say this, but we couldn’t be more excited to say… that we have a baby boy on the way," he wrote.
The 11-time Olympic medalist also shared pictures on her social media profiles to inform about the pregnancy to the fans. She was seen wearing a gorgeous red dress and shared pictures along with her daughter and Ferguson. Felix's daughter, born in 2018, was seen holding a board that said 'Baby brother coming April 2024'.
"Don't be afraid to get outside of your comfort zone," Allyson Felix shares an inspirational message about her career and life
Allyson Felix's career was nothing short of legendary. The retired athlete is a multiple Olympic and World Championships medalist.
Felix's preferred event wassprinting, including the 200m. She bagged three Olympic medals in the event. However, Felix also represented the United States in 400m and 4x400m relays commendably.
She recently shared a video of a 400m race in the Diamond League and stated that even though running 400m was not in her comfort zone, she had always confronted the difficulties. Felix secured two individual Olympic medals in 400m and four team medals in the 4x400m race.
"Don't be afraid to get outside of your comfort zone. That's how I felt every single time I ran the 400m," she wrote. "It didn't come naturally, it wasn't easy, and it definitely scared me…but it was all about facing that challenge. I’m applying this same concept to life now."