India’s Jinson Johnson clinched the Gold in the Men’s 800 category in the first round of the Asian Grand Prix Games, being played in Bangkok in Thailand with a timing of 1:49.524. Finishing in second position was Herath Induril of Sri Lanka, who completed with a timing of 1:49.955 while Iran’s Amir Moradi finished third with a time of 1:50.147.
This is Jinson’s second medal in the month after he clinched the Silver at the 2015 Asian Athletics Championships that were held in Wuhan, China earlier this month. If at all this win would be all the more satisfying, as it was a Gold not a Silver or Bronze that came his way.
There was more good news coming India’s way in the 800m category as Gomathi Mrimuth won the Bronze with a timing of 2:07.40.