New Delhi, July 27 (IANS) Sports Minister Vijay Goel on Wednesday said talented javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who recently scripted a world record, has the pedigree to be one of the most sought after athletes in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
The minister had earlier announced a cash award of Rs. 10 lakh for Chopra, who has just returned home from Poland after his remarkable feat in the under-20 International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) World Athletics Championship.
Congratulating the Haryana youngster, Goel said: "The entire nation is proud of Chopra's record breaking performance. With his determination and dedication he will be front ranking athlete in the world, who will vie for top honours at the 2020 Olympics."
Goel also assured that all facilities and support will be extended to the young talent by the the government under existing policies for players.