The second episode of Allyson Felix's series 'Starting Blocks' was released on September 15, 2022. Aptly titled 'A Race For What?' it delves into the remarkable journey of Felix's experience as a mother and her unwavering advocacy for maternal protection.
Felix has been an athlete for most of her life. While pregnant with her daughter Camryn, Felix faced a few challenges with her sponsor, Nike. Allegedly, Nike asked Felix to accept a substantial 70% reduction in her pay due to her pregnancy, which Felix found was deeply disrespectful. In response, Felix stood up and took on a fight against Nike.
In the second episode of her series, she speaks about her battle with the sponsors and her journey through motherhood. She admits her initial fear of starting a new family, given the challenges she had encountered along the way.
Felix took to social media to share a glimpse of the second episode.
"I had all of this fear around starting a family because of what I had seen," said Felix.
Allyson Felix admitted that she used to believe that winning an Olympic gold would be her greatest life achievement. However, becoming a mother changed her perspective on what true achievement means.
"I always thought that the greatest achievement in my life would be an Olympic gold, but becoming a mother has given me a whole new perspective," she wrote. "The long hours, tears, and fears are conquered by a love that knows no bounds," she captioned.
"In episode 2 of “Starting Blocks,” I share how my daughter Camryn inspired me to create change and find my voice through fighting for maternal protections," Felix wrote.
Allyson Felix's world record-breaking 4x400m Mixed Relay
Allyson Felix has had an extra - ordinary career, clinching an impressive tally of 11 Olympic Gold medals and 20 world championship medals.
Felix was a pivotal member of the team that set the world record in the 4x400m mixed relay. Felix ran alongside her team at the 2019 World Athletics Championships in Doha, Qatar shattering the world record with an impressive time of 3:09.34.
She took to social media to share a glimpse of the race.
"Mixing it up," she captioned.
Team USA left behind Jamaica and Bahrain, who completed the race in 3:11.78 and 3:11.82, respectively.
Wilbert London ran the first lap handling the baton to Felix who ran a beautiful second lap before passing the baton to Courtney Okolo. Michael Cherry ran the final leg, leading the team to a sweet victory and a world record.
At the 2019 World Athletics Championships, Felix also won the women's 4x400m relay event.