In an unfortunate incident, Karanveer Singh, a renowned shot putter, who was set to compete in Asian Athletics Championships, has failed an out-of-competition dope test. As a result of this, the athlete will be withdrawn from the Indian contingent gearing up for the Championships.
It should be noted that the Asian Athletics Championships is set to take place in Bangkok next week. Singh, who is currently undergoing training at the National Institute of Sports (NIS), in Patiala, was earlier selected for continental championships scheduled from July 12 to 16.
He was part of the 54-member Indian contingent, who will fly to Thailand on Saturday night. While confirming this unfortunate development of Singh's dismissal from the team, Adille Sumariwalla, the President of the Athletics Federation of India (AFI), confirmed the development.
"Yes, that is correct," Adille told PTI about Karanveer's positive dope test.
It is pertinent to mention here that the date of the test and the name of the banned substance have not been unveiled to the media so far.
Impressive recent performances of Karanveer Singh
Karanveer Singh, who has been depicting astounding performances recently, secured a bronze medal in the Federation Cup. This event was held in May and the 25-year-old recorded a throw of 19.05m.
Furthermore, he ended up as the runner-up just behind Asian record holder Tajinderpal Singh Toor in the National Inter-State Championships in June. Toor recorded a throw of 19.78m, which put him above Karanveer.
Karanveer momentarily placed sixth among Asian shot put athletes in the season's top list and achieved the Asian Games qualification mark set by the AFI during the Inter-State Championships. The athlete's career best of 20.10m was recorded in 2022 during the National Open Championships.
Because of Karanveer Singh's withdrawal from the Championships, Tajinder Pal Singh Toor will now be the only representative from the nation in the men's shot put event. He is also the national record holder in shot put games.