India will conduct the 2022 South Asian Cross-Country Championships in January in Nagaland. Earlier this week, the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) was allotted the international cross-country race with the competition to be held in Kohima, said an AFI official familiar with the development.
According to the AFI official, the one-day South Asian Cross-Country Championships is scheduled to be held on January 15, 2022.
Athletes from Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Pakistan are expected to compete in the one-day event.
“The South Asian Cross-Country Championships will be conducted in senior men and women’s category in Kohima on January 15, 2022,” said the AFI official.
The AFI will simultaneously also conduct the 56th National Cross-Country Championships at the same venue and date. The National Cross-Country Championships will be held in senior as well as junior categories, added the AFI official.
Meanwhile, the tentative month for the Asian Cross-Country Championship is March 2022. According to CK Valson, competition director of the Asian Athletics Association (AAA), the tentative date for the one-day continental cross country is March 12, 2022.
“Nepal has been allotted the one-day continental cross country. The competition will be held in March 2022. We are planning to have a venue inspection and check other details next week,” said CK Valson from Bangkok.
According to Valson, the Asian athletics calendar in 2021 was disrupted due to the ongoing pandemic but he is hopeful of resuming activities in 2022.
“The 2022 Asian Indoor Track and Field meet is scheduled to be held in Kazakhstan in February. The host nation is all prepared to organize the continental competition in Nur Sultan,” said Valson.
The one-day World Cross Country scheduled to be held in 2022 in Australia has been postponed due to the pandemic, added CK.
“As a precautionary measure, to avoid the spread of COVID-19, the Australian government has not given permission to organize the one-day World Cross Country event in 2022. The World Cross Country Championships has been postponed to 2023. The venue will remain the same,” he said.