Allyson Felix is a former track and field athlete from the United States of America. She is considered to be one of the best sprinters to compete in the sport and is also one of the greatest female sprinters of all-time.
Initially, she spent around ten years of her career mostly focusing on 200 meters before slowly turning her attention towards 400 meters. Allyson Felix is also the first female track and field athlete to win seven Olympic gold medals. The former sprinter is the most decorated female athlete in Olympic track and field history.
In a video posted on her Instagram account on February 23, 2023, Allyson Felix posted a video sharing three abs exercises. She captioned the video:
"A bit of Monday motivation for you all. Excuse the rusty voice, but it’s kinda growing on me."
Reacting to a video of Allyson Felix demonstrating a few abs exercises, one of her followers wrote:
"She makes this look easy & effortless but I know it’s not because I’ve tried these before."
The three abs exercises shared by Allyson look easy, but it might be challenging as one of her fans has mentioned their experience. The former sprinter began the video by saying:
"Back with some core workouts for you guys. I'm pulling a little bit under the weather but we're still gonna get it in. I have three exercises for you and they all start from the plank position."
The first workout was mentioned as mountain climb in the video:
"So we're going to start in a high plank. Make sure that your body is aligned and keep it as straight as possible. When you are in a high plank position you gotta bring one knee to your chest and put it back then alternate the other knee. We're gonna do this for twenty seconds. Get as many reps as you can."
The second workout in the video was mentioned as toe touch:
"We're gonna move from a high plank to a toe touch. Stay in the high plank position. You're gonna reach back and touch the toe. Bring it back and reverse it. Again, 20 seconds, see how many you can get in."
The final workout performed by Allyson was termed as an up-down plank. The former sprinter said:
"You're in the high plank position and then you're gonna come down on your fore arms and then you come back up. So you just gonna keep repeating that over and over for 20 seconds."
Allyson Felix encouraged viewers to try all three of these workouts without taking a break.
Fans and followers react to Allyson Felix's workout video
Some of her fans and followers reacted to the workout video posted by Allyson Felix on her Instagram account. Some of the reactions are attached below:
"Love this. I definitely need motivation for core work. 😊 Hope to see more workout tips!"
"❤️lovely lady helping us all to stay strong! Thank you"
"This is how she stayed @ Level one Olympic shape for so many years. Love her."
"Thank you ma for this😍"
Some of her followers wished Allyson to recover soon as she had mentioned that she wasn’t feeling well at the start of the video. Despite stepping off the track, Allyson Felix continues to provide some workout methods for her followers