Ancy Sojan is busy preparing for the upcoming Asian Games. The Thrissur talent has had an inspiring journey towards securing a spot in the Indian athletics contingent. From breaking the national U21 long jump record at the Khelo India Youth Games in 2020 with a leap of 6.36m to winning gold in Kazakhstan and the Indian Open, Sojan has come a long way from her humble beginnings.
She has been drafted alongside Shaili Singh in the women's long jump team for the 2023 Asian Games and is looking forward to putting her best foot forward and breaking her own personal record.
Speaking exclusively to Sportskeeda, Ancy Sojan discussed her ongoing preparation for the tournament and stressed the importance of working hard to achieve her dreams and aspirations.
"The training is going as per plan and I am looking forward to putting on a proud show for India at the Asian Games. It is my dream," she remarked with enthusiasm.
Sojan further talked about her goals ahead of the Asian Games and was appreciative and congratulatory towards her compatriot Shaili Singh, who will be accompanying her to China.
"My dream is to breach the 7m mark in my jump," Sojan said. "That is my main goal. Indian women have never jumped 7m before and therefore it is my dream to break that record. I do not know if it is possible but I believe I can do it and I will try hard for the same."
"I need to reach the required height in order to achieve the goal but I will work hard. Another dream of mine is to bring home a medal for India. Wearing a jersey is a proud feeling and I will be looking to stand on the podium, win a medal in long jump and try to best my personal record. That is my ultimate dream." she added.
"Shaili and I have talked many times before in competitions. She is a fighter, is highly motivated and has an exceptionally bright future ahead of her," Ancy Sojan said.
Ancy Sojan reflects on her early struggles and parents' support: "They support me with my passions and professional requirements"
Recounting her early days in the sport, the 22-year-old touched upon her struggles, which included a lack of trust from close ones and traditional belief systems that hindered her progress.
"I used to watch a lot of Usain Bolt videos in my childhood. I was highly active in my childhood days, taking part in running races and other sprinting events. My dad once suggested that I win an Olympic medal like my heroes. Slowly, I started competing in sports and my parents were very supportive. At the age of 16, I transitioned to long jump and never looked back." she said with pride.
Ancy Sojan stressed the important role her parents played in helping her through tough times, rejecting relatives, and moments of loss of belief in herself.
"Nobody in my surroundings believed I could succeed as a national or international, though. They thought it was nothing more than a passion and that I would end up with a normal life," Ancy Sojan said. "When I began long jump, people commented on my height. They said I wasn't tall enough to compete in long jump. But, I always feel if our mindset is firm we can achieve anything we want."
"I remember one of my early coaches was disappointed with my performance but I went on to win a national medal and she said I had the potential to be an international athlete. My parents are very supportive of my dream to wear the Indian jersey and stand on the podium. If people asked them if I wanted to be a doctor or an engineer, they would reply saying I could be whatever I wanted to be. I love classical dance. They support me with my passions and professional requirements." she added.
Ancy Sojan will be taking part in the 2023 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. The event begins on September 28 and runs till October 5. Amid tough competition from countries such as China, Japan, and Kazakhstan, Sojan will look to deliver her best performance in order to secure a podium finish and bring glory to India.