Deepa Malik created history last year at the Rio Paralympics when she became the first Indian woman to win a medal at the event, with her silver medal at the F53 shot put event. She is an Arjuna Award winner from 2012 and was also awarded the Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian honour earlier this year.
Apart from being a world-class athlete, she is also an adventure sports enthusiast. She became the first physically challenged person to obtain an official rally license from the Federation Motor Sports Club of India and participated in the grueling Raid de Himalaya in 2009.
After her win at the Rio Games in 2016, she became a household name across the country and was felicitated around the nation. She recently celebrated the first anniversary of her silver medal on September 12 and tweeted to Shivraj Chouhan, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, reminding him of the promise made to her.
She posted a screenshot of the tweet by the CMO Madhya Pradesh, which stated that Malik will be awarded Rs 40 lakhs for bringing glory to the nation. Malik wrote, "eagerly await your audience and the announced reward. Regards," while tagging the CM in the tweet.
A news website published the story regarding Malik's tweet but referred to her as a 'wheelchair bound athlete,' which was something that did not go down well with her.
She tweeted out her response to the article, stating, "Please do not use the term "wheelchair Bound" it defeats my journey of ability beyond disability. My chair is my driving force not boundatn."
A screenshot of the tweet is as follows:
Her response received a lot of positive feedback on social media, with people showcasing her respect to her. Here are a few examples: