Pinki Pramanik, the former India athlete who was accused of raping her live-in partner, has been found to be a male, as alleged by her partner.
SSKM Hospital of Kolkata performed the gender determination tests on Pinki, who represented and won India the gold medal in the 400m relay race in the 2006 Doha Asian Games.
Pinki was arrested and then freed on bail, as earlier tests in Barasat General Hospital proved to be inconclusive.
The case was then handed to SSKM Hospital, who have now confirmed that Pinki is indeed male. Police, upon receiving the report, have moved quickly to file cases of cheating and rape against Pinki in the Barasat court.
What happens now to the medals she won in her career, including the Asiad gold and the 2006 SAF Games gold, remains to be seen.