India’s national middle distance running coach Nikolai Snesarev was retained by Rio Police for half a day, over a complaint registered for an incident of misbehaviour at official Rio Polytechnic. He was released after the Indian embassy interfered in proceedings based on the complaints of a lady doctor from the same clinic.
Athletics Federation of India (AFI) President C K Valson acknowledged the matter, but also stated that this has been resolved. He said, “The Indian Embassy has resolved that paritcular situation, it was a small issue, which has been rectified.” According to a source close to proceedings, OP Jaisha suffered severe heat exhaustion and collapsed finishin in 89th place. She was rushed to Games medical facility immediately. On taking her into the treatment area, the doctor asked only person to accompany Jaisha, Chief Radhakrishnan entered the unit. However, upon not feeling a pulse, Snesarev got entraged and pushed the Doctor to enter the treament room. This is when the doctor allegedly accused the 71-year old coach of being 'unruly and registered an official police complaint.
Despite making attempts to fix the situation within hospital premises, AFI officials were unable to pacify the police officials, who detained Snesarev at the Police station for two hours. The Indian embassy intervened and solved the matter. Diplomatic channels helped in bailing Snesarev out of police premises. The Belarusian also coaches Sudha Singh.
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