The police officials arrested the Sports Authority of India (SAI) coach, Susant Roy, based on a complaint filed by a female athlete at the SAI hostel which is located inside the Barabati Stadium on Thursday. NDTV reported that the 45-year old Roy was finally nabbed and charged with sexual assault.
A young female trainee athlete had accused Roy of behaving inappropriately with her. She had stated that she was subjected to repeated mental and sexual torture by her coach for several days at the SAI centre in Cuttack.
The victim who is a minor proceeded to lodge a complaint with the Mahila police station swearing that the SAI coach was molesting her frequently and also threatened her not to disclose the matter to anyone.
Following her complaint, the police registered a case under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. Sakuntala Pati, an inspector at the Mahila police station said, “During preliminary enquiries it was revealed that there are prima facie evidences against the accused and the coach was arrested.”
The law enforcement officials remained tight-lipped regarding the details of the investigation and the inspector was reluctant to reveal any further information about the case. She cited the sensitive nature of the case meant that the police department had to tread with caution and complete the investigation.
The long distance runner who is also a gold medallist had asserted, “The coach slapped me outside the centre after my training and threatened me. I have reported with all the details of the incident to the chief of the training centre.”
However, the coach had vehemently denied all charges of sexual assault. He believed, “Yes, as a teacher, I’ve slapped her for fighting with other athletes. But, there has been no sexual harassment.”
Several sources alleged that the safety and security of the athletes in numerous SAI training centres was inadequate.