India’s Srabani Nanda clinched the bronze medal in the Women’s 100m category at the second leg of the Asian Grand Prix Games in Pathumthani, Thailand. The 23-year-old athlete finished with a timing of 11.72 seconds, 0.06 seconds behind Ge Man Qi of China, who clinched silver with a timing of 11.66 seconds and Zyabkina Viktoriya of Kazakhstan, who won gold with a timing of 11.40 seconds.
This is Srabani’s second consecutive medal of the event, following her bronze medal win in the opening leg and her third medal of the month, after her bronze win in the women’s 200m at the Asian Athletics Championships.
Gayathri Govindharaj, who won the bronze in the opening leg, won yet another bronze medal in the women’s 100m hurdles in the second leg in the Asian Grand Prix Games with a timing of 11.66 seconds.