Aishwarya is an anime and manga expert at Sportskeeda, providing readers with valuable insights into timeless favorites and keeping them up-to-date with the latest news about the genre. After completing her B.Tech. in Production Engineering, Aishwarya decided to follow her passion of films, pop culture and anime and acquired a Masters degree in Filmmaking. She also has close to 2 years of previous work experience as a social media specialist at PhonePe, and as a Quality Analyst and subtitle script writer for Prime Focus Technologies. <br /> <br /> Aishwarya's interest in anime dates back to her early years when she spent a lot of time watching Animax. She particularly enjoys Japanese horror manga artist Junjo Ito's body of work because of its surrealistic elements and ability to evoke fear in readers on every page. <br /> <br /> Aishwarya strives for accuracy in her content by cross-checking facts from various news sources. When not flipping through the pages of a manga or watching an anime, she loves spending time with her cats.
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