Swapnil Joshi studied Art and Animation at Arena Animation, after which he chose to pursue a career as a full-time writer. He has published three novels in collaboration with Notion Press, which further motivated him to pursue his writing career. Having served 18 months at Writer Shark, Swapnil now contributes as a Roblox writer at Sportskeeda, with a focus on guides. <br /> <br /> As such, he turns to both official sources as well as specialist websites and forums to root out any false positives while checking for relevant on-topic information.<br /> <br /> Among his inspirations, he includes Washington Post's Gene Park for being a reliable source of information and a voice of reason within the industry, and Maximilian DOOD for his mature approach to topics. <br /> <br /> While Swapnil is open to all gaming genres, he prefers titles that prioritize story and immersion, narrowing down the favored games to RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon's Dogma 2, and Fallout: New Vegas.<br /> <br /> Swapnil enjoys writing novels in his spare time. He is now set to publish three more novels while simultaneously working on two additional ones.
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