As reported by Hoopistani, the upcoming Bollywood movie based on India's highest-selling English novelist Chetan Bhagat’s 'Half Girlfriend' will feature a lot of basketball. Depicting sports accurately has always been one of the pain points of Bollywood with only a few movies being able to recreate the action and emotion in the sporting arena. While few movies like Chak de India and Lagaan have had success making sports the main theme, very few movie makers in the country have explored the idea of perfecting sports scenes within movies.
The film Half Girlfriend is currently being shot in national capital New Delhi and is scheduled to release in April 2017. The sources from the production team have revealed that the movie will star the pair of Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor and they both have been honing their hoop skills as basketball will be a used as a major plot device in the movie.
The book's plot revolved around a protagonist who made it to the St. Stephen's College of the University of Delhi on the sports quota as a basketball star. Eventually, his and his love interest’s (half girlfriend) common love for the game led them to an on-again/off-again relationship.
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Arjun Kapoor, who will play Madhav Jha in the movie, spent the last month practising on the court to make his basketball scenes more realistic. He tweeted a short video a week ago, demonstrating his training scenes in Delhi and announced that more 'Basketball Diaries' from the film's shooting to be posted in the future.
International sports and stunt director Robert Miller has been working along Arjun and Shraddha Kapoor to train them and make the basketball scenes look realistic. Almost all the scenes involving the sport have been shot at the Shri Ram College of Commerce’s basketball court.
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The fact that the film's director Mohit Suri and the star actors have put genuine efforts to make the basketball scenes in the film more memorable is commendable.
Basketball earlier had its instances with Indian cinema in Shah Rukh Khan starer Bollywood classic Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, followed by Koi Mil Gaya and Dhoom 2 and it seems that the Indian audience is set to witness the hoops again in a Hindi film.