Who said they were down?who said Rondo had found his match in a LA defender?and just who said that this team is ‘old’!!
Ray Allen spells doom for Lakers
Well,whoever said all of this, is definitely right.Celtics were down in the 1st game, Rondo was limited to a below-par performance by Kobe in game 1 and this team IS old, no questions on that. But they did what they have been doing all season long, and in the playoffs. They BOUNCED back from the face of a disappointing loss to put their fancied rivals in the same spot.

This was ,if anything, a day for Celtic Defense, a day for Rajon Rondo, and most importanly, a day for Ray Allen.Who could have anticipated that he would come back from the limited time and shameful defeat of game 1 to turn the tables on the Lakers and make life hell for his defender(in this case,Derek Fisher,for most of the game). An NBA Playoff record, most 3-pointers in a single game(8), highest 3-point shooting percentage in NBA playoffs history and resiliency from a veteran, all these attributes will sure go towards Ray Allen’s Hall of fame contention as one of the best knock-down shooters in the history of the game. We saw why Ray Allen is revered among the oppositions,we saw his biggest strength play out its best.By half-time he had 27 points with 8 3 -pointers.Nothing thats written here will add to this astounding figure.
And what of Rondo? Everyone knows Kobe did a tremendous job guarding Rondo in Game 1.He did so,even today.But then,irony has it.What happened for Ray Allen in game 1,happened to Kobe here. He quickly committed 3 fouls by the first half,had to sit out most of the second quarter, came back in the third, only to sit out for most of it again.And in the meantime, the two players he was guarding,Allen and Rondo,made gala of a paltry Laker defense.Pau Gasol lived up to his name and calibre once again,so did Bynum.Both the Laker biggies saved what would have been a humiliating loss for LA.They pounded the board mercilessly.The Celtics won tonight ,but if not for Ray Allen’s electric shooting,they would have faced another tumble in Staples for sure. We cant hope Ray Ray will have more nights like this,if he does,LA cant do much.If he doesnt, Celtics have sure got things to think about down the lane and in the paint.