As Kobe Bryant looks for a film crew to film him doing anything, I challenge him to actually try this…
Check this shit out, some crazy guy actually pulled off what Kobe Bryant only could through the magic of film editing. Who is this guy, where did he get these hops? If Keith Bogans had that kind of jumping ability, I’d still be drunk from celebrating the Bulls 7th championship. You have to love how this cat pulled this off in jeans, a hoodie, & all white kicks. You know those aren’t basketball shoes, and you know that they certainly aren’t the Kobe’s. If he did try to pull this off for real, he’d get his legs taken out like Kenny Smith did in the TNT Kobe spoof. What do you want to bet that “the Mamba” will see this video and immediately want to set up another bullshit trick photography stunt? You know it’s coming, right? I’m sure Kobe will jump over an International truck or some shit next. Hey, he did have that knee procedure, so it’s possible. Whatever. The challenge is out there, Mamba. Hopefully, you won’t run from it like your team ran from the playoffs last year.