The duo of Rama Dhawaskar and Nitin Sawant hailing from Goa are set to feature in India's volleyball team for the upcoming Asian Games. The prestigious tournament will take place from September 23 to October 8, 2023, in Hangzhou, China.
Trained by a policeman aka coach, Pralhad Dhawaskar, the team is thrilled with Nitin Sawant who is one of the players and serves in Goa Police.
Known for his attacking powers, Rama adds to Indian volleyball's status. On the other hand, Nitin dominates the defensive play. The Goan duo secured its places in the squad after it turned out victorious in the beach volleyball trials. These trials were held in Chennai's Marina Beach and were supervised by an ad-hoc committee of the Volleyball Federation of India.
Their brilliance in the trials caught the eye of selectors, who did not blink an eye while naming them in the Indian team set to compete in the Asian Games. Their fans are extremely happy about the achievement and await their glorified performances on an international level.
Indian volleyball team will continue medal hunt in Asian Games
Notably, beach volleyball was introduced to the Asian Games in 1998 and has been featured in every edition since then. Despite being years since its inclusion, the Indian volleyball team has never managed to win a medal in the Asian Games. However, with the selection of the Goan duo, the Indian team's chances can touch the climax to add to the nation's medal tally.
As the duo prepare for the mega event, they will strive to sharpen their skills under excellent coaching and synchronize their play to dominate throughout.
It should be noted that the Indian men's team finished in ninth place in the Asian Games 2006. It is considered their best finish over the years since their position in the sport featuring in Asian Games has never improved beyond that. Surprisingly, India has never sent a women's volleyball team to take part in the prestigious competition.