Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is the Indian version of PUBG Mobile. Both versions have added prestige to the PUBG brand as both have risen to staggering heights, having player bases of their own that seem to grow every day.
With new players arriving on the scene, the quest to reach Conqueror or Ace tier by rank push has also become more exciting. Since beginners lack experience, they might make unnecessary mistakes. Here's a look at the best drop strategies to begin BGMI and PUBG Mobile matches on a high note.
What are the 3 best drop strategies in BGMI and PUBG Mobile for beginners to follow during rank push?
1) Land on cold drops
Cold drops in BGMI and PUBG Mobile are referred to as those drop locations that do not enjoy many players visiting in the initial stages of the matches. Beginners who are yet to fix their aim and play style but want to enjoy the thrill of a rank push in the game must avoid hot drops to survive longer.
Hence, players are advised to land in locations where they can survive the initial couple of circles as well as get enough loot for themselves.
2) Learn how to land the fastest among all the players
Landing properly plays a crucial role in battle royale games. Landing in BGMI and PUBG Mobile is all about mastering the art of parachuting. Players who land the fastest have the added advantage of picking up guns and shooting enemies who are still airborne. Therefore, it becomes more important for beginners to learn how to land the fastest.
For a drop close to the plane path, players can drop to the 750m mark in Erangel and Miramar, the 700m mark in Sanhok and Vikendi, and to the 350m mark in Livik and Karakin.
3) Choose a far-off location as the drop location and take vehicles to reach it
One of the safest drop strategies that can be adopted by beginners who wish to push their ranks in BGMI and PUBG Mobile is to set their drop location, which is posited far away from the plane path. This guarantees them survival points, which matter the most during the rank push.
While gliding they can land at a spot where vehicles spawn, which will carry them to their destination with ease.
Note: This article reflects the author's views.