Developed by Krafton, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) provides updates at intervals marking the end of a specific period in the game. Mostly, the updates bring in a new season, which offers the perfect platform for several rank pushers to push their ranks to the Conqueror or Ace tiers, adding prestige to their IDs.
However, several famous BGMI YouTubers prefer playing Solo vs Squad even during rank push. Here are a few tips for players trying to emulate them.
Survival tips for Solo vs Squad situations during rank push in BGMI
1) Avoid engaging in unnecessary fights
Survival points matter the most during rank push in BGMI. Rank pushers must avoid engaging in unnecessary fights and know when to do it. This plays an important role when the rank pusher is stuck in Solo vs Squad situations.
Even if they get many kills in the match, an early exit will eventually result in them losing points which must be avoided at all costs.
2) Choose the best gun combinations
Guns are of primary importance in battle royale games like BGMI. Every player has their own preference when it comes to choosing guns. However, in Solo vs Squad situations, the preferences can change accordingly, as such situations require guns that can help the rank pushers in clutching opponents easily.
Weapons with high-damage capacity, low recoil, and less time to reload are the most preferred weapons for Solo vs Squad situations.
3) Use utilities
The use of utilities has become popular with the rise of BGMI Esports following the popular META in matches. Rank pushers, too, are seen to restrict enemy movements by crippling them with repetitive use of frag grenades and Molotov Cocktails.
While utilities knock a couple of opponents, rank pushers can change the 1v4 situation to a 1v2 situation, which gives them a better chance at winning the fights.
4) Always take fights from covers
Taking fights from covers considerably increases the chances of winning fights. In Solo vs Squad situations, rank pushers must focus on initiating fights from covers that will let the enemies have a smaller vision to shoot at.
While dealing in 1v4 fights, rank pushers need not rush at opponents and let them push as it is easier to take down opponents staying in TPP rather than pushing them out in the open.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.