BGMI's 1.9 update started rolling out on March 18 for Apple and iOS device users. With the update, a number of players joined the game to experience the new Holi Dhamaka mode.
However, since lobbies have become more competitive and players are judged based on their F/D ratio, they must know how to maintain and improve their stats.
What are the different tips that BGMI players can follow in the latest 1.9 update to increase their F/D ratio?
1) Land in hot drops
There are several locations across the six classic mode maps in the game that act as hot drops. A lot of players drop into these locations to obtain the great loot available in the area.
Cities located at the center of the map mostly turn into hot-drops as they are generally part of the initial couple of safe zones.
With so many players dropping into the area, it paves the path for players to get more kills and increase their F/D ratio considerably. However, they must be aware of other enemies while indulging in a fight, as hot-drops can even lead to early elimination.
2) Use weapons with high damage
BGMI offers its players a plethora of weapons to equip themselves with and indulge in fights. However, in order to get more kills on a regular basis, players need to choose weapons that have high damage dealing capacity.
This will help them knock down enemies with a couple of headshots.
While SMGs deal robust damage in close-range, Assault Rifles using 7.62mm ammo serves as the best category for guns that deal the highest damage.
3) Stick to the Squad
Battlegrounds Mobile India requires strategy and man power. Players who stick to their squad have been seen to perform better and earn more kills than others. Sticking to the squad helps in better communication and developing a better synergy with teammates.
Furthermore, players can be revived by their teammates, which will help them win matches without dying, and in turn, help them improve their F/D ratio.
4) Kill bots to increase kill count
Bots are AI robots that appear randomly across maps and inflict low damage. As a result, they are considered free kills. They also bring weapons that can help players take on early fights if required.
BGMI players need to look out for bots and finish them before others to increase their F/D ratio.
Note: This article reflects the author's views.