TDM mode is the best way to enhance the skill and reflexs before going into a game in Battlegrounds Mobile India.
TDM helps increase the skill of players in a close-range fight. However, the choice of perfect load-out is a key factor while going into a game in TDM. In this article, players will get an idea of how to select their loadout to win close-range duels before going into a game.
Best loadouts for better performance in TDM in BGMI:
In TDM, players should always be ready for close-range battles. Guns with high damage and a higher fire rate will be more useful in TDM.
Here are some of the loadout combinations players can use in TDM mode.
1) AKM Combination:
Primary Weapon: AKM
Secondary Weapon: Skorpion
Explosive Weapon: Frag Grenade
Tactical Weapon: Stun Grenade
AKM is one of the most dangerous guns in close-range. However, it is quite difficult to control the recoil of this gun. However, with the Compensator and Quidraw magazine attached, it will be more beneficial in combat.

2) M416 Combination:
Primary Weapon: M416
Secondary Weapon: Skorpion
Explosive Weapon: Frag Grenade
Tactical Weapon: Stun Grenade
M416 is one of the most reliable guns in BGMI for close combat.Hence, it is usually very helpful in TDM as well. Players can attach Tactical Grip, Compensator, Quidraw magazine and Tactical Stoc, making it is easier to control.

3) DP-28 Combination:
Primary Weapon: DP-28
Secondary Weapon: Skorpion
Explosive Weapon: Frag Grenade
Tactical Weapon: Stun Grenade
Some prefer DP-28 in close-range fights as well for its high amount of damage. It is also useful to win close range fights in TDM.

4) UZI Combination:
Primary Weapon: UZI
Secondary Weapon: Skorpion
Explosive Weapon: Frag Grenade
Tactical Weapon: Stun Grenade
UZI is one of the most useful guns in close combat due to its excessively high fire-rate. Players can use this combination for TDM matches as well.

5) Scar-L Combination:
Primary Weapon: Scar-L
Secondary Weapon: P-18C
Explosive Weapon: Frag Grenade
Tactical Weapon: Stun Grenade
Scar-L is one of the most popular guns while playing TDM mode in BGMI. With its lower recoil control it is much easier to control the spray. However, with P18-C as a Secondary Weapon, Frag Grenade and Stun Grenade as Tactical and Explosive weapons, players can win any TDM fight.

Players can use these loadouts in a TDM game in BGMI. It will also help them to enhance their close range fights.