The ongoing Jujutsu Kaisen mode has emerged as one of the most popular themes in BGMI. Since its release in the February update, millions have played the mode, making the game's collaboration with popular Japanese manga series Jujutsu Kaisen a huge success.
The C2S4 Cycle Memories section has seen a new title - the C2S4 Jujutsu Sorcery Fantasy title. To get the title, players must get hold of Sukuna Fingers present in Cursed Object Crates on the themed mode maps.
Which are the different locations in Livik where BGMI players can go to find Sukuna Fingers?
1) Holdhus
The city of Holdhus is located on the southwestern part of the Livik map. Players trying to get hold of the Sukuna Finger present in the area must drop into the auditorium and head over to the topmost stand.
However, since the auditorium contains a lot of loot, they must first gather the loot and eliminate other enemies lurking in the area.
2) Midstein
Since the game's release, it has seen Midstein attract almost one-third of the entire lobby in a Livik match. However, the presence of the Sukuna Finger in the themed mode map has further increased the city's popularity. To get their hands on the Sukuna Finger, players need to climb to the rooftop of the tallest building present in the city.
3) Power Plant
Located almost centrally on the map, Power Plant is another hot-drop in BGMI's Livik. The Sukuna Finger is present inside a Cursed Object Crate on the top of a small building. After clearing the area, players can use the boxes attached to the side of the building to climb to the rooftop.
4) Lumber Yard
Lumber Yard is a relatively less popular drop location than the other ones mentioned in the article. To find the Sukuna Finger, players need to search between the logs of wood present in the area.
5) Blomster
The city of Blomster is situated on the northwestern corner of the Livik map. The city was losing its popularity as a drop location. However, the Jujutsu Kaisen themed mode has helped it revive its popularity. Players dropping into the city in search of Sukuna Fingers need to cross the barricade of the petrol pump to find it.