BGMI was delisted from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store in India on July 28. The incident has hindered the growth of mobile esports in India and left players disheartened.
It has been over a month and a half since the game was suspended. Several popular influencers, YouTubers, and content creators have been focusing on other games, but some have assured fans that the game will return soon. Here are five BGMI influencers who remain positive about the future of the game.
Popular personalities who hinted at BGMI unban for Indian mobile gamers
1) Scout
Scout is one of the most popular Battlegrounds Mobile India esports players and content creators. Although he decided against speaking about the game's unban during the first few weeks following the game's removal from virtual storefronts, he recently spoke about the ban during a couple of livestreams.
He mentioned that he heard from sources that the game was being worked on and that changes were being made. However, he believed it was unlikely that the game would return before December.
In another livestream, Scout mentioned that wishes would not always be fulfilled. However, he appears to be cautiously optimistic about the status of the game.
2) Shiva Nandy
Although many renowned personalities have become disheartened by the game's removal, Shiva Nandy (CEO of Skyesports) has always tried to instill hope in the hearts of fans and players across the country.
He mentioned in a tweet that Krafton was trying their best to get the game back on track. He also compared Battlegrounds Mobile India to TikTok and said that if the latter could make a comeback, the popular game would return as well.
He also stressed that the game was not banned and that it was only suspended.
3) Spower
Rudra "Spower" B is one of the brightest BGMI prodigies and has a dedicated fanbase. Following his separation from GodLike Esports, he sat down for an interview with Sportskeeda, where he talked about the game getting unbanned.
He mentioned that although the game was suspended, it was not banned yet. He also stated that players who had the game downloaded on their devices before the announcement were still playing it. He urged fans to be hopeful and stressed that the game would be back before the end of the year.
4) Hrishav Bhattacharjee
Hrishav Bhattacharjee is the founder/CEO of War Mania Esports, a popular esports organization. He took to his Instagram handle and shared stories related to the game's comeback.
In one of his recent stories, he highlighted that there was a 90% chance that the game would return to the Indian market. If it failed to do so, esports brands, organizations, and people related to the game would be forced to shift to different countries.
Meanwhile, in another story, he mentioned that Krafton was working tirelessly to get a new server in India, resulting in massive in-game changes. He even hinted that the game could be back by December.
5) Mazy
Zishan "Mazy" Alam is one of the most popular casters on the Indian esports circuit, renowned for lending his voice during BGMI esports matches and analysis. He is known to have worked alongside Krafton, and his comments regarding the BR title's comeback have created a buzz among fans in the community.
While livestreaming on YouTube, Mazy mentioned that a three-day event for New State Mobile Esports was postponed by Krafton as they were busy settling issues related to Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Mazy asked his viewers to keep trusting Krafton and said that they were trying their best to make the title available again. He urged fans to stay positive and hope for the best. However, he did not specify a date for the game's return.
Note: Although many players are still playing BGMI, Indian gamers are advised against playing the game.