Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the exclusive Indian version of PUBG Mobile, allows players in India to enjoy their favorite battle royale title once again.
The main theme of the game centers around the idea of eliminating all opponents and being the lone survivor. Players need to be excellent with both their gun and survival skills in order to claim victory.
A School apartment skirmish is one of the most common things on the Erangle map in BGMI, and players need to strategize in order to win fights in the area. Here are some tips to win School apartment fights in the final stage of the game.
Best ways to win a School apartment skirmish in BGMI
1) Capture the highest School apartment and play in a 3v1 split
There are only four apartments in the School area. Players need to take control of the highest School apartment, as it will allow them to monitor a broader area. It also gives the player a higher ground advantage.
A 3v1 split has three members of a team approach enemies head on, and the fourth member approaches enemies from the opposite side. This will put enemies in a difficult position and ensure easier eliminations.
2) Use utilities
While rushing a School apartment in BGMI, players should always remember to use molotovs and grenades to clear out close corners, stun grenades to disable enemies, and smoke grenades to cut out vision. This will increase their chances of winning the skirmish by a large margin.
3) Hear footsteps properly
Players should always listen for any footsteps around them. This will help them have an idea of the enemies' location in the apartment and keep themselves in an advantageous position at all times.
4) Pick a single angle
While rushing into a room, players should always try to focus on a single angle. They can compliment this method by clearing out the other angles using grenades and molotovs. A team can also rush together by picking a different angle for each player.
5) Play from wall-border
Playing from the wall-border is one of the best tricks to surprise enemies in a School apartment skirmish in BGMI. Opponents generally don't expect players to pop out of the wall-border, and this approach can take them by surprise.