Fights are part and parcel of the battle royale genre and players must be focused while engaging enemies in both BGMI and PUBG Mobile.
When several players find themselves stuck in hot-drop fights, they often panic and make rash decisions. Here are a few mistakes that should be avoided while taking hot-drop fights.
What are some mistakes that BGMI and PUBG Mobile players must avoid in hot-drop fights?
1) Avoid landing late
Landing plays a major role when it comes to hot-drop fights in BGMI and PUBG Mobile. Players who have learned the art of parachuting will land faster than others. This gives them an opportunity to pick up weapons and shoot at airborne enemies.
2) Avoid rushing alone
Players who generally play solo mode in classic matches often have a tendency to push in duo and squad modes as well. However, that often proves to be fatal as the player pushing alone is outnumbered by the enemy team and killed in the process.
BGMI and PUBG Mobile players must have teammates landing with them in hot-drop zones who can support them in duo and squad modes.
3) Avoid playing with randoms
Landing in hot-drops while playing with random teammates is usually not a good idea. Randoms are often seen abandoning their squadmates when they are knocked out. Furthermore, randoms hardly follow the IGL's (in-game leader) calls or communicate properly with the squad.
4) Avoid muting teammates
Proper communication is of utmost importance when it comes to taking hot-drop fights in BGMI and PUBG Mobile. Players often make the common mistake of muting teammates who have a problematic mic. However, these teammates can save the day during hot-drop fights. Muting them results in improper communication, which leads to a lack of coordination during fights.
5) Know when to disengage from fights
There are good fights and there are bad fights in BGMI and PUBG Mobile. Hot-drop fights can range between the two categories. Players who know how and when to disengage from unnecessary fights have a better chance of survival than those who continue to engage in bad fights.
Note: This article reflects the author's views.