Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) C1S2 dropped yesterday, and the developers have reset the ranks of all players with the introduction of the new season. BGMI players need to grind through once again to climb up the leaderboard.
Players have already started their grind to reach the leaderboard this time. In this article, they will find some ideas which will help them to reach the Ace tier easily.
How to get better results in ranked matches in BGMI
Being a battle royale game, BGMI is all about eliminating enemies in the battleground and surviving till the end. Players need to focus on both their gunplay and survival skills in order to get a better result in the game.
Here are some simple tips that can help a player reach the ACE tier in BGMI C1S2:
1) Play with friends
Players should try to gather a squad with their friends to rank up faster in BGMI. It will help them to communicate better in the game, and they can produce better results as a well coordinated unit.
2) Play deathmatch before starting the match
Some players skip the warm up and join the queue immediately after starting the game. Players should always try to warm up and even do some stretches before joining a queue as this will help them get a better result in the match.
3) Avoid hot drops
Players who want to climb up the leaderboard or want to finish the season with a higher rank should avoid the hot drops as much as possible. They should try to secure good loot during the initial stages of the game, and only then should they start taking fights.
4) Respect the zone
BGMI players should try to prioritize the zone and plan their rotations accordingly. Under no circumstances should they engage in fights outside the zone. Players should also make the necessary movements across the map with the intention of always staying inside the safe zone.
5) Look for more finishes
Players should try to increase their finish count as it helps to acquire more points in BGMI. Gamers should also remain observant of their surroundings at all times to secure more finishes without being taken out by surprise.