In Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the M416, Avtomat Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy (AKM), and the Universal Machine Pistol (UMP) are some of the most preferred and favorite guns among the player base. While many automatic weapons offer decent bullet sprays, these three have proven to be the ones that deal the most damage to enemies. Their consistency on the battlefield has earned them reverence and superiority in BGMI.
Players usually pair an Assault Rifle (AR) with a submachine gun (SMG) in BGMI. The UMP45 is the most popular SMG in the game right now, but there are times when players are separated by their divided opinions about the best AR in the game. It usually comes down to a debate over whether the M416 is better or the AKM.
Which gun is actually better in BGMI, the AKM or the M416?
Many factors make a gun useful in combat: ease of learning, damage potential, recoil, availability during the looting phase, versatility, and much more. Listed below is a comparison between the M416 and the AKM that shows which automatic rifle is more beneficial for players on the battlefield.
M416: This gun deals a base damage of 43 hit points to the enemies.
AKM: This gun deals a base damage of 49 to the enemies, the highest of any automatic weapon in BGMI.
The numbers show that the AKM prevails over the M416 in terms of raw power and damage potential. This can be beneficial during close-range fights where higher damage will be more detrimental to the enemies.
Recoil control
The AKM is notorious among players for its insanely high recoil. A seasoned player might have become used to the recoil pattern, but for someone new to BGMI, it will be a nightmare to control. Even with a compensator, the recoil of an AKM is a menace.
The M416, on the other hand, is much more beginner-friendly. It has less base recoil, and upon receiving all the necessary attachments, handling the gun becomes a breeze. Players can use a compensator, an angled or half grip, and a tactical stock to minimize the recoil of an M416 significantly.
The low recoil makes it more versatile on the battlefield, as players can use this gun for any given scenario. Whether in close-quarter combat or long-range fights, the M416 triumphs in this department.
Availability on the map
Both guns are equally common, as they are available as general loot all throughout any map. However, it is easier to find all the attachments to fulfill the AKM’s requirements, as it only takes a compensator and an extended quick-draw magazine.
The M416, on the other hand, requires a lot more to function at its highest level. But recently, there have been inclusions of shops in the maps of BGMI where you can easily buy a lot of equipment with tokens you can acquire while looting.
As a result, it is not difficult to get all the required attachments to use the M416 at its full potential.
Ultimately, it comes down to a player’s preference and play style if one really wants a definite answer as to which gun is better. However, considering the overall versatility, most would pick an M416 over an AKM. It’s just better.