Aman Gamer is a renowned name in the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) and PUBG Mobile communities. Although he is yet to reveal his face or his name, the content creator has garnered a massive fanbase over time.
Aman Gamer is known for creating videos featuring rare and upgraded X-Suits. He collaborates with other YouTubers to create movie sequences in the game itself.
Details about popular BGMI player and YouTuber Aman Gamer that fans should know
Fans looking for Aman Gamer's BGMI ID can use the UID, 5220410187, or his IGN, AmanGamerYT, to find his profile. The YouTuber has played a lot of Classic and Arena mode matches in his career, which is reflected in his Player Level of 69 and Evoground Level of 64.
Aman Gamer is the leader of a clan he created called ORGxESports. The clan still has vacant spots. Hence, fans can send requests to join the clan and get a chance to play with the content creator.
Seasonal stats and rank
Aman Gamer is currently placed in the Gold III tier in the new and re-introduced Battlegrounds Mobile India Cycle 3 Season 7, having accumulated 2469 points. If he plays regularly, the YouTuber can easily make it to the elite tier of Crown or Ace soon.
The content creator has taken part in 24 classic matches in the TPP Squad mode. However, he was only able to collect chicken dinners in two matchups (with a win ratio of 8.3%), helping his team reach the top 10 in 13 matchups.
Aman Gamer has managed to deal a total damage of 12603.5 with an average damage of 525.1. He holds an F/D ratio of 2.71 after defeating 65 enemies.
His sniping/assaulting skills can be seen in his headshot percentage of 13.8 (with 9 headshots). He has survived an average of only 6.5 minutes in every classic mode match.
In the re-introduced Cycle 3 Season 7, Aman Gamer's best outing came in a match where he accumulated 12 finishes, with 1571 damage dealt.
Note: Aman Gamer's stats were recorded at the time of writing. Since the season is only in its third week, they are subject to change over time.
YouTube earnings
As of now, Aman Gamer is yet to be signed by any organization and uploads content as an independent creator. His primary source of revenue is his popular YouTube channel, which currently has more than 836k subscribers. He has uploaded 324 Battlegrounds Mobile India/PUBG Mobile videos to his channel so far.
Based on stats provided by Social Blade, Aman Gamer has earned between $347 and $5.6k from his YouTube channel in the last 30 days. He has also garnered over 13 lakh video views and 5k subscribers during the same period.
Note: Many Indian YouTubers (including Aman Gamer) upload content on Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI). However, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) blocked the title on July 28, 2022. Hence, mobile gamers in the country should abstain from downloading or playing the blocked BR game.