Battlegrounds Mobile India is all set to make a much-hyped comeback in the region. The previous version of the BGMI (PUBG Mobile) was banned by the Government due to data privacy concerns. The developers have announced a local version of the game implementing all rules and regulations.
The title offers the same battle royale experience along with HD quality graphics. It can be difficult for players to choose the most suitable landing spot among different maps and modes. This article discusses the best landing spots on Erangel in the Battlegrounds Mobile India game.
Battlegrounds Mobile India: Best landing spots on Erangel in BGMI
1) Pochinki:
The best location for all players who love good loot in the Battlegrounds Mobile India game is Pochinki. With lots of small compounds separated into 5-6 segments, Pochinki offers amazing battle royale action. Players can also get their favorite weapons like assault rifles quickly. There are also 2-3 vehicles inside Pochinki and on nearby roads.
2) Sosnovka Miltray Base:
The second-best landing spot is Sosnovka Military Base. It is also a significant hot drop and offers high-quality loot. There are three main buildings commonly known as C-building and other medium-sized compounds where players can get their desired weapons and other items. Players can find lots of vehicles on the roadsides of Military Base. However, if the zone shifts to another island, players need to be careful of bridge camps.
3) Novorepnoye:
Novorepnoye is one of the most preferred landing spots on the Erangel map in the Battlegrounds Mobile India game. The area houses lots of containers where players can find good loot. Players can get all types of weapons, scopes, grenades and healing items in Novorepnoye. There are 2/3 garages with vehicles for rotation into safe zones.
Related reading: How to increase the K/D ratio in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
4) Georgopol:
Gergopol is considered the best landing spot for pro players. The area has container sections and 6 warehouses. Players can expect up to 5-6 squads to land here in each match. All the players with high skillset love to jump here and improve their skills and increase their K/D ratio. Gergopol also has a city near it for players to loot.
Related reading: How to get free weapon skins in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)