Battlegrounds Mobile India update (BGMI 1.7.0) has arrived and players are quite excited to try out the new features. In the latest update, BGMI gamers will get the chance to turn into their favorite League of Legends characters and enjoy.
The update has arrived at 8 AM IST on the Apple App Store and 9 AM IST on the Google Play Store. The update's arrival depends on the device and as of now, many players are not expected to have gained access to the latest version of BGMI.
BGMI 1.7.0 expected size
The size of the new BGMI X Arcane update has not been revealed yet, but players can guess the expected size of the update from the PUBG Mobile 1.7.0 update. PUBG Mobile update sizes for Android and iOS devices are:
- iOS devices: 1.68 GB
- Android devices: 690 MB
Note: To run the game smoothly on their devices, iOS and Android gamers are recommended to keep at least 2 GB and 1 GB of free space, respectively.
BGMI 1.7.0 new features
These are some of the new and exciting features that players can enjoy in the latest version of BGMI:
- Mirror World is a new mode that is being introduced. Here players can travel to two Mirror Islands and convert into their favorite League of Legends characters. They can also destroy Arcane Monsters with modern weapons and collect Hextech Crystals to buy guns and supplies.
- New Royale Pass will offer attractive in-game cosmetics and skins that players can acquire.
- Old PUBG Mobile modes like Vikendi, Metro Royale, Survive Till Dawn are making a comeback.
- A new carry feature called Piggyback allows players to carry their knocked-down teammates. The speed of the one carrying will be reduced, and they will not be able to use vehicles or weapons while carrying their teammate.