Survival in the chaotic world of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) necessitates vigilance. Camping is a popular technique in which players hide in a specific spot and wait for unsuspecting prey to ambush. To win a game, you must be able to identify campers. This can be done by depending on aural cues, studying higher grounds, and using throwables.
This article mentions the best strategies for finding campers in BGMI.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
Tips for spotting campers in BGMI (October 2023)
1) Pay attention to sound cues
Paying attention to sound is one of the most important parts of detecting campers in BGMI. These foes frequently attempt to remain inconspicuous and wait for unsuspecting players to attack. You can listen for footsteps, rustling grass, or any other small noises that may indicate a camper is nearby.
Utilize headphones for a more immersive experience. Doing so will also help you be wary of any strange sounds that could signal an attacker lying in wait.
2) Scan common camping spots
Every map includes a well-known area that skilled players frequently use to catch opponents off guard. Take a minute to check popular camping areas such as structures, corners, and high observation points before rushing into one. Campers may be hiding behind doors, within rooms, or on rooftops in buildings with various hiding places.
3) Prioritize high-ground
Campers usually choose high-altitude locations with a clear line of sight to ambush foes. When approaching an area, look for potential campers in hills, buildings, or cliffs, especially towards the center of the safe zone.
To scan these high grounds, use your weapon's scope, which provides a better field of vision. Approach such areas with caution, as campers may have an advantage even if they are caught by surprise.
4) Observe the circle and play zone
Campers frequently modify their methods in response to the play zone and diminishing circle. Keep an eye on the map and anticipate where such players can be compelled to relocate. Campers may also postpone their moves until the very last second to catch those fleeing toward the safe zone.
Luckily, you can predict camper behavior and approach these locations with caution by understanding play zone dynamics. Playing more games and keeping an eye on the play zone will help you anticipate enemy movement and action.
5) Team communication and coordination
Coordinating with your team is essential for efficiently recognizing and dealing with campers. Share information about prospective threats, debate your strategy, and use voice communication to precisely relay enemy positions. If one of your allies is under attack, it could suggest the existence of a camper nearby. Teamwork helps you to cover various angles, making it more difficult for such foes to hide.
Remember, adapting to the evolving strategies of other players is a crucial aspect of BGMI.