Mastering hip-fire in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is a critical skill that can provide you with a huge advantage in close-quarters battles. This skill requires immense dedication, persistence, and consistency to master in this battle royale game. Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned player trying to enhance your hip-fire skills, following some fundamental tips can help you gain a competitive edge over your opponent.
This article explores five key tactics to excel in hip-firing situations in BGMI.
Tips and tricks to master hip-fire in BGMI
1) Understanding hip-fire mechanics
Before getting into the tips, it's important to understand the mechanics of hip-firing in BGMI. This is shooting without using aiming down sights (ADS).
Your shots will be less accurate and more dispersed when not in ADS mode, making it challenging to accurately hit distant targets. The advantage of hip-firing in close-quarters battles is that it allows for quick reflexes and agility.
2) Crosshair placement
Maintaining accurate crosshair position is a critical part of hip-firing in BGMI. Always keep your crosshair at head level and directed at the adversary's expected location to excel at hip-fire fighting.
Avoid directing your crosshair at the ground or the sky when moving. Keep it level and poised to snap onto your opponent. Crosshair placement practice in training modes or during regular gameplay is vital for developing muscle memory and improving hip-fire accuracy.
3) Mastering recoil control
Recoil management is critical in hip-fire engagements because it allows you to keep your rounds on target while shooting continuously. Different guns in BGMI have different recoil patterns, thus it's critical to become acquainted with the recoil of your selected weapon. Recoil control can be practiced by using attachments such as compensators and vertical foregrips, which help reduce spray.
To counter the upward kick of the weapon, move your crosshair slightly downward while firing to control recoil during hip-fire. It's also beneficial to shoot in small bursts rather than continuously holding down the trigger, as this allows you to maintain better control over your rounds. Controlling recoil with your preferred weapons will help you become more effective in close-quarters battles.
4) Strafing and movement
Hip-firing is more than just aiming; it is also about mobility. Strafing, or moving sideways while shooting, is an important tactic to make yourself a more difficult target for your opponents in BGMI. You can dodge enemy gunfire while keeping your ability to fire accurately by strafing.
When engaged in close-quarters battles, strafing left and right in an unpredictable manner can confuse your adversaries and hinder their ability to hit you with shots. Don't overdo it, though, and avoid becoming overly rigid in your movements. Vary your strafing patterns to keep your opponents guessing.
5) Sensitivity settings
Your sensitivity settings have a big impact on hip-fire accuracy. It's critical to find the correct sensitivity settings for your playstyle. High sensitivity is preferred by some players for rapid, twitchy movements, while a lower value is preferred by others for more precise aiming.
Experiment with your sensitivity settings in the game's options screen until you find a happy medium. Remember that the same values are not suitable for everyone. So don't be afraid to experiment with different settings based on your comfort and performance in hip-fire circumstances.
Practice these methods in training modes and live matches regularly to enhance your hip-fire accuracy and overall gameplay in BGMI.