After Battlegrounds Mobile India's Early Access release earlier this month, Krafton has laid down a set of strict policies to curb the use of hacks, cheats, and third-party tools. They have revealed the Rules of Conduct on the game's official website, effective from June 17th.
Players must comply with all of them while playing Battlegrounds Mobile India. Failing to do so can have severe repercussions in the form of penalties and even a permanent ban.
Battlegrounds Mobile India Rules of Conduct against third-party tools
The use of third-party applications to modify the game or its functionality is strictly prohibited in Battlegrounds Mobile India. This not only includes hacks, scripts, modified game clients, but even GFX tools.
These applications violate the terms of service that need to be understood when users download the game initially.
If evidence is found against a player, they can be subject to penalties, including a permanent account ban and even restricting them from accessing the game on their hardware device. This will be imposed irrespective of the person who had the game access.
Thus, gamers must never share their Battlegrounds Mobile India ID.
The following has been stated with regards to the use of unauthorized programs in the Rules of Conduct:
Developing, advertising, trading, or distributing unauthorized programs or hardware will also lead to legal action against players. Additionally, the appropriate penalty will also be imposed upon Battlegrounds Mobile India users.
As stated earlier, the use of modified game clients is not allowed and will also lead to a maximum penalty of a permanent ban.
Battlegrounds Mobile India Rules of Conduct: Click here
Therefore, players must stay away and never engage in using any form of third-party software or application if they wish to keep their accounts safe.