In Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), recoil management is a crucial aspect that sets skilled players apart. Due to its high damage output, the AKM assault rifle sticks out from other weapons in the game. To optimize its effectiveness on the battlefield, players must overcome the obstacle posed by the strong recoil.
This article explores the intricacies of AKM recoil control, offering helpful hints and strategies for becoming proficient with this formidable weapon.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
Mastering AKM recoil control in BGMI (December 2023)
1) Equip attachments
Equipping your AKM with the appropriate attachments can dramatically minimize recoil in BGMI. Consider installing a compensator or Flash Hider to reduce recoil in this battle royale game.
The game may have adjusted old attachments regarding the effectiveness offered in reducing the recoil, so stay updated on any modifications to optimize your loadout. These attachments aid in regulating vertical and horizontal recoil. Experiment with both and pick the one that best suits your playing style.
2) Use the burst-firing technique
The AKM is recognized for its great damage but also its significant recoil in this battle royale game. Instead of continuously spraying, use a burst-firing approach. Fire three or four shots at a time, release the trigger, correct your aim, and then fire again. Using this technique, you can maintain more control over the recoil and fire shots with more precision.
Practice burst fire in various settings, such as 50m to 100m mid-range battles. Understanding the rhythm of the AKM's recoil pattern will help you to effectively time your bursts. As you become familiar with this method, you'll land more rounds on target while decreasing recoil-induced mistakes.
3) Use body stance techniques and go to training grounds
In BGMI, you can lower the impact of the gun's recoil and stabilize your aim by crouching and using prone techniques. These can help you achieve a more steady shooting stance and manage the AKM's recoil. Whenever tactically possible, such an approach increases your chances of hitting the opponent with accurate rounds.
In particular, practice recoil control by using BGMI's training mode, which offers a safe space where you may focus on learning how to regulate your recoil without being sidetracked by outside events. Use this area to practice new strategies and improve your game control.
Remember that mastering the AKM recoil takes time and practice. Engage in firefights to hone your command of this powerful yet difficult weapon. You can fully utilize the AKM in BGMI with devotion and a smart approach.