Indian PUBG Mobile players were largely under the impression that they couldn’t transfer their data to Battlegrounds Mobile India. However, many popular PUBG Mobile gamers gave them hope that they could, which turned out to be true when users gained Early Access to the title.
Transferring data to Battlegrounds Mobile India is easy, and there are certain restrictions that players must adhere to. This article will reveal more about this process.
Data migration to Battlegrounds Mobile India
Players may follow these steps to transfer their data successfully to Battlegrounds Mobile India:
1) They must first log in via any of the three options given below:
- Google Play Games
2) Gamers will then have to create their in-game character.
Also read: How to add friends in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
3) They will then have to confirm whether they reside in India.
4) A dialog box named “Account Data Transfer” will appear, where users should give their consent.
5) They need to reconfirm by clicking “Yes.”
6) Gamers can select between Facebook or Twitter and choose the platform linked to their PUBG Mobile ID.
7) After selecting, they will again have to click “Yes” to transfer their data successfully.
Also read: Full list of changes in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) revealed
Transfer restrictions
Players must note the following restrictions that they must adhere to:
- Upon completion of the data transfer, they will not be able to retrieve it again.
- December 31st, 2021, is the last date of data migration to Battlegrounds Mobile India.
- In-game mail and attachments, along with other data, may not be transferred to the new battle royale title.
Also read: Can iOS players download Battlegrounds Mobile India (PUBG Mobile) Early Access? All you need to know