Battlegrounds Mobile India will soon get an official release on both Android and iOS platforms. The developers have released early access to the game on the Google Play Store for everyone. The game will offer many new features like a better gameplay environment and hit effects.
Players can also earn themselves a great reputation among teammates by achieving different titles in the game. Listed below are the top five easiest titles to achieve in Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Which are the most effortless titles to achieve in Battlegrounds Mobile India?
1) Well-Liked
The first title that is easy to achieve in Battlegrounds Mobile India is the Well-Liked title. To achieve this title, a player needs to get 1000 likes on his profile.
A player has the option to give their teammates a Like at the end of the match based on their performance. They can also ask their teammates to give a Like on their profile at the end of each match.
2) Weapon Master
The second title on the list is the Weapon Master title. To attain this title, a player needs to be in the Platinum tier or above and play Solo classic mode. After that, a player must eliminate six enemy players in the following ways:
- Kill an enemy with AR Gun
- Kill an enemy with SMG Gun
- Kill an enemy with Sniper Gun
- Kill an enemy with Shot Gun
- Kill an enemy with Throwables (Grenades, Molotov cocktails)
- Kill the enemy with a Vehicle (Dacia, Buggy, UAZ)
3) Sharpshooter/Deadeye
The third easiest title on the list is the Deadeye or Sharpshooter title. For achieving this title, a player needs to kill three enemy players with consecutive headshots. Also, the player must be in the Platinum tier or above, and the title can only be achieved in Solo classic mode.
Also read: How to purchase Royale Pass in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
4) Season Ace Title
Battlegrounds Mobile India also has the same tier system as that of PUBG Mobile. This allows players to get the same tier rewards upon reaching certain tiers. The Ace tier is one of the elite leagues in the title. The best reward is the Season Ace Title which reflects the caliber and skill set of the player.
5) Perseverance
The last title to be achieved easily in Battlegrounds Mobile India is the Perseverance title. The title is given to the player upon purchase of the Elite Royale Pass for three consecutive seasons. However, a player will need to buy the Elite Royale Pass, which costs 600 UC.
Also read: Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI): Best 3-Finger Claw layout