Popular action game Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has finally made its long-anticipated return to the Indian mobile-gaming market. This has brought an end to the 10-month period that fans had eagerly waited to try out new updates in their favorite BR game.
The title's unban has already witnessed a huge spike in the number of gamers treading on the virtual battlegrounds. The increase in playerbase also resulted in the match lobbies getting tougher as high-skilled players are trying to pick up more kills.
Hence, it has become important for new players and those returning after a break to learn about the ideal sensitivity settings that will help them hit more headshots and earn more eliminations in classic mode and TDM matches. Furthermore, tweaking sensitivity settings will help new esports players prove their assaulting prowess.
Ideal sensitivity settings that BGMI players can use to get more headshots in Classic and Arena mode matches
Camera sensitivity
Camera sensitivity is the only on-screen sensitivity option that can be controlled using the eye button. It appears as the first such setting and enables users to have a 360-degree view of their surroundings.
Aspiring Battlegrounds Mobile India esports players and others can use the following range to set the ideal camera sensitivity:
- 3rd Person No Scope: 230-250 percent
- 1st person No scope: 230-250 percent
- Red Dot, Holographic sight, and Aim Assist: 25-35 percent
- 2x Scope: 33-45 percent
- 3x Scope: 34-45 percent
- 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 26-31 percent
- 6x Scope: 19-24 percent
- 8x Scope: 16-22 percent
ADS sensitivity
Getting the best aim-down-sight (or ADS) sensitivity settings is of crucial importance during combat in BGMI's classic mode and TDM matches. Using it, gamers can master gun recoil as they drag down their aim with their thumb. Those who use gyroscope generally have a lower ADS sensitivity than the rest.
BGMI players can use the below-mentioned ADS sensitivity range for more headshots. Here's an overview:
- 3rd Person No Scope: 120 percent
- 1st Person No Scope: 105-110
- Red Dot, Holographic sight, and Aim Assist: 2 percent
- 2x Scope: 3 percent
- 3x Scope: 24-28 percent
- 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 10-30 percent
- 6x Scope: 15-22 percent
- 8x Scope: 24-28 percent
Gyroscope and Gyroscope ADS sensitivity (identical)
Gyroscope acts as a great determinant in mobile gaming. It is an in-built sensor that gamers use to shift their target by tilting their phone to a desired angle. It has been observed that those BGMI players who have used gyroscope have secured a higher headshot percentage and a better K/D ratio over time.
Setting up Gyroscope sensitivity is easy. Here's a look at the range that gamers can use:
- 3rd Person No Scope: 350-400 percent
- 1st Person No Scope: 350-400 percent
- Red Dot, Holographic sight, and Aim Assist: 350-400 percent
- 2x Scope: 350-400 percent
- 3x Scope: 320-350 percent
- 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 320-350 percent
- 6x Scope: 120-140 percent
- 8x Scope: 84-88 percent
Apart form the sensitivity values, players need to have basic knowledge regarding the graphics and other settings that will help them hit more headshots after BGMI's unban.
Note: The article reflects the authors views.