Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has dominated the Indian mobile gaming and esports industry in recent years. As per an InMobi report, India stood fifth among the largest mobile gaming markets in the world until BGMI got banned last year. However, with its return to India, the craze for Krafton’s battle royale title is again rising. Although men have mostly dominated esports arenas, there's been a remarkable rise in the number of female streamers and gamers since last year.
From YouTube content creation to participating in esports tournaments, these female gamers have slowly become an integral part of the community. Today, this article will talk about India’s favorite female BGMI streamers.
Note: The data shown for each channel was recorded on June 15, 2023. The list reflects the author’s point of view. The creators on the list are in no particular order.
India’s most iconic female streamers in BGMI: Kaash plays, Kani Gaming, and more
5) Krutika Plays
Krutika Ojha is among the most skilled players in Battlegrounds Mobile India and has become a renowned name in the community. In the early days of her career, she was an e-athlete for a competitive team and emerged victorious in a few BGMI tournaments. However, she has switched to streaming and now boasts a YouTube channel with 672K subscribers and 149,278,113 views.
The female streamer is well-known for her funny highlights and gaming sessions with fellow S8UL members. Krutika used to play Valorant on her channel and upload blogs when BGMI was banned. However, the game's return has led to its resurgence on her channel.
4) Play Like Incognito
Sonali Singh is another popular female BGMI content creator who streams from Play Like Incognito, her YouTube channel. She is a professional streamer well known for her unbeatable pan-fight matches. Sonali started streaming on YouTube on February 5, 2019, and has since accumulated 578K subscribers and 133,871,046 views on her channel.
She streams games like Among Us, Battlegrounds Mobile India, PUBG New State, and more. Her channel is brimming with reaction videos, gaming highlights, and livestreams. Sonali’s Battlegrounds Mobile India ID is 599446771, with Incognito being her IGN (in-game name).
3) Kani Gaming
Kanika Bisht is an emerging streamer-cum-content creator on YouTube. Kani Gaming, her YouTube channel, is replete with PC and mobile game streams, along with funny shorts and entertaining highlights. Boasting 272 videos and 717K subscribers, viewers can also enjoy her vlogs, where she carries out pranks with other streamers.
Kanika has been seen streaming BGMI with fellow Hydra members and other streamers. Her BGMI ID is 5631185000, with HYDRA | KANI being her IGN.
2) Kaash Plays
Kaashvi Hiranandani is a female Battlegrounds Mobile India streamer from Mumbai who regularly uploads on her YouTube channel, Kaash Plays. Coupled with that, she is an Instagram influencer, boasting 732K followers. Her in-game ID is 5111797650, with S8ULKaash being her IGN,
Kaashvi joined YouTube on May 24, 2020, and has posted 504 videos on her channel, which currently boasts 866K subscribers and 98,245,535 views. Most of her content centers around gameplay highlights and livestreams. She has another channel called Kaashvi, which contains daily vlogs.
1) Payal Gaming
Payal Dhare is considered one of the best streamers on the subcontinent. This popular creator streams titles like Battlegrounds Mobile India, Among Us, GTA V, and more. She also posts a lot of crate-opening videos on her channel, Payal Gaming.
Playing as S8ULPayal, her in-game ID is 5120321397. Payal started streaming on YouTube on March 2, 2019. Since then, her channel has accrued 3.09 million subscribers and 264,575,004 views. Most of her 653 videos showcase gameplay highlights, crate openings, and vlogs.