BGMI 90 FPS Config file hacks have recently been on the rise. Battlegrounds Mobile India has made a roaring return to the Indian markets after a ten-month ban in May. After the game hit the Play Store, battle royale fans came to action, and the game’s number of downloads skyrocketed very soon. However, once opening the game, Android users find out that, unlike PUBG, Krafton’s battle royale title has removed the 90 FPS graphics setting from the game.
Since this setting in Battlegrounds Mobile India used to make the gameplay smooth and let players have easier controls, they were eager to unlock the setting in the game as well. Now, with plenty of BGMI 90 FPS Config file download links available online, the question arises: is it worth relying on these links?
Is the BGMI 90 FPS Config file download safe? Can Krafton ban players who use it?

No, BGMI 90 FPS Config file download is not safe for gamers. As per the official rules posted on the Krafton support page, the anti-cheating system of the game can detect any modified files on the device and can ban players from Battlegrounds Mobile India for using it.
As can be seen in the image above, rules two and three very clearly mention that accessing the game through any third-party applications that can make any illegal changes to the main game file will result in a ban.
BGMI 90 FPS Config file download falls under this category of making changes to the client file data. Therefore, Battleground Mobile India’s anti-cheating system can ban your account upon detecting such irregularities.
Why 90 FPS removed from Battlegrounds Mobile India?
Per current news, after the game's return to the Indian markets with the Battlegrounds Mobile India 2.5 update, some Android users reported that the 90 FPS option in the setting was not properly working.
The developer team then addressed this issue with an in-game notice and said that this Android build of the game does not support 90 FPS settings so far and that it might take time to optimize the game for that particular setting.
However, they have also said that they are working on the issue, and players can expect it in the next update of the game.
Can we unlock 90 FPS in Battlegrounds Mobile India?
The game officially does not provide Android users with the option to play Battlegrounds Mobile India at 90 FPS. So unlike iOS gamers, they cannot take advantage of the settings in the game. Some unreliable sources, however, teach players how to download the BGMI 90 FPS Config file in the game and activate the setting.
As mentioned previously, it is not safe to rely on such information, and waiting for the next update is advisable, which might finally bring the setting to Android users as well.
That is everything you need to know about the BGMI 90 FPS Config file download. Follow us for more interesting information, guides, and tips regarding Krafton’s popular BR title.