Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) was launched in July 2021, almost 10 months after the infamous PUBG Mobile ban. As an India-specific variant of PUBG Mobile, Battlegrounds Mobile India did pretty well at clocking numbers in the Play Store.
However, in July 2022, the game ended up getting blocked by the Government of India's MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology), just like with PUBG Mobile. Since being removed from Google and Apple's application stores, BGMI is yet to make a comeback.
The following section will focus on recent developments around the ban and the latest reactions from different influencers.
An answer to an RTI appeal reveals why GOI blocked BGMI in India
One of the most recent developments around Battlegrounds Mobile India took place at the end of September 2022. A Twitter user that goes by the handle @godyamarajop tweeted screenshots of the RTI (Right to Information) appeal and its official reply.
The RTI was filed to enquire about the reasons behind the ban on Battlegrounds Mobile India and Krafton's meeting with the Government of India. The official response mentioned that MeitY blocked the game at the request of the MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs):
"Based on the requests received through designated nodal officers from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has blocked the game application Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) under the provision of section 69A of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 and the Information Technology (Procedure and safeguards for blocking for access of information by public) Rules, 2009."
MeitY made the decision under section 69A of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 and the Information Technology Rules, 2009, making it clear that as with PUBG Mobile, BGMI was also blocked due to data security and privacy concerns.
Apart from the official reason behind Battlegrounds Mobile India's blocking, the RTI response also confirmed that Krafton representatives held a meeting with the concerned government authorities. However, a reply from the government department maintained confidentiality around what transpired during the meeting.
Latest reactions from the esports community
Due to BGMI's massive fanbase, many esports personalities have commented on its possible comeback in the country. In the past few weeks, notable influencers like Ghatak, Scout, Shiva Nandy, and others have given their opinions on the game's future.
Scout has been expressive on several topics, and Battlegrounds Mobile India's return is one of them. During the last week of September, the popular streamer hinted at a delay in the game's comeback while speculating about the unban date being post-December 2022.
In one of his more recent live streams, Tanmay "Scout" Singh reiterated his skepticism around the game's re-launch, as he said:
"We want a lot of things, but we can hardly get hold of them. Have patience. Even I want BGMI to come back, but it isn't going to come back right now. It will take time, but it will come back soon."
Following Scout's prediction of the game's unban to happen after December 2022, Skyesports CEO Shiva Nandy provided a somewhat optimistic take on the ban as he wrote on his Instagram story:
"Since a lot of them are texting me often, I cannot reply to everyone individually. I will post soon about everything you are asking when it's materialized. But don't panic. Scout might be right. The game might not come before December, but it will come for sure."
Besides Shiva, influencers Ghatak and Spero also shared their opinions on the game's possible return via live streams. Ghatak asked his fans not to worry about BGMI's unban, but refrained from predicting a specific date for the game's comeback.
Here are Ghatak's comments on Battlegrounds Mobile India making a return:
"Just take a chill pill, man. Do not worry; the game will return. You guys will become happy after the game's return, so chill. It will take time, so I will not comment on that."
Spero, on the other hand, spoke at length regarding the RTI response, MeitY blocking (not banning) the game, leaks being fake, and the potential return. Piyush "Spero" Bathla further commented on the unban date, saying:
"The talks around the game's return are going as many expect the comeback to happen after December. I am also on that boat. I think BGMI isn't going to return before December."
Another famous BGMI pro athlete and content creator, Deepak "Sensei" Negi, also informed his followers via a recent live stream, in which he claimed:
"There is no update regarding the game's return. Even if anyone is giving any updates on BGMI, I would suggest not relying on that news. There is no confirmed news. Everything is being kept confidential. If I get to know something, I will give you all some hints. Hope that it comes back soon."
For now, players who receive information from unconfirmed sources about the unban date for BGMI should not believe it. One should verify any speculative news via different reliable sources or wait for Krafton's response on the matter.