BGMI, the India-specific PUBG Mobile variant, received its Android launch in July 2021. The availability of a like-to-like replacement to PUBG Mobile worked like a charm as Battlegrounds Mobile India was able to revitalize the craze among fans. The craze is quite evident with the number of downloads it has on the Google Play Store.
The buzz of BGMI didn't seem to stop among the Indian fans, but in July 2022, the game was blocked by the Indian government's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). After the seemingly sudden decision from the government authorities, BGMI stopped receiving any updates, which was another setback considering Krafton's consistency with the rollouts.
However, the presence of various low MB 32-bit APK download links has confused many as to whether the latest version (2.2 patch) of the game is available or not. Readers should not skip the following section if they want to know more about the genuinity of low MB 32-bit APK download links for the latest update.
BGMI low MB 32-bit APKs are fake and unreliable as Krafton never rolled out any update
As mentioned, Krafton has not launched any major update for Battlegrounds Mobile India. Thus, each download link for the 2.2 update automatically becomes unreliable. Furthermore, the unreliability of the source directly hints at all of the 32-bit APK files being fake, be it low MB or not.
Apart from the 2.2 version, many websites have also showcased the low MB 2.1 version APK files, which will also not work without the OBB file. Thus, the claim of low MB Battlegrounds Mobile India's 32-bit APK is false, and every fan should stop using unauthorized links to download the app.
Unauthorized sources often bring malware to the device, so one should avoid them. Apart from the malicious files, downloading an unofficial game client is also one of the prominent reasons why user accounts get suspended. Here's an official quote from Krafton's side:
"Please download Battleground Mobile India from official store to play the game. Unofficial/Cracked game clients are not supported and will lead to your account being banned."
The unofficial sources are also often linked to hacks in Battlegrounds Mobile India, and using the same is illegal in the game. Hence, users should keep the fair gameplay environment in mind and not download the game from any unofficial game clients or third-party programs.
What happened to Battlegrounds Mobile India?
After receiving the update in mid-July, everyone was expecting the rollout of new in-game content in BGMI. However, on 28 July, by the orders of MeitY, Google and Apple removed the game from their virtual application stores.
Several reports and sources suggested that BGMI, like PUBG Mobile, also had data security issues. One specific source even reported that Battlegrounds Mobile India's Indian servers communicated directly or indirectly outside the country (in China).
A few days back, the official reason was confirmed by MeitY in response to an RTI appeal. It was said to be related to security and privacy issues with the game.