Battlegrounds Mobile India, also known as BGMI, was recently unbanned by the Indian government. With this, Krafton has been able to resume its services in the Indian gaming scene. The playerbase was overwhelmed with joy as their favorite mobile game made a comeback, and skin enthusiasts prepared themselves to spend their savings on some rare cosmetics in the game.
The title has introduced a lot of brand new cosmetics that players can enjoy. Whether they are skins for weapons, outfits, vehicles, or companions, there is something for everyone to indulge in.
The new Stygian Liege X-suit in BGMI
Krafton introduced a new event in BGMI called Scarlet Covenant, and like the previous X-suit launches, it is filled with exciting rewards for those who are willing to spend some money. The new model that was released in BGMI is called the Stygian Liege X-suit, and it has a strong mediaeval vibe to it. It has a brushed metallic texture with red accents, and the final form is nothing but magnificent.
There are a total of seven levels that you can upgrade the Stygian Liege X-suit to, and they are as follows:
- Basic Appearance: As the name suggests, it is the default look of the X-suit when you unlock it.
- Teammate Interaction: This gives you two exclusive emotes that you can use with your friends while you are in the lobby with them.
- Advanced Form: This is an upgraded appearance of the X-suit.
- Victory Broadcast: This gives a kill-feed to any item that you use to eliminate an enemy.
- Shock and Awe: This gives you an entry emote for the lobby as well as the Spawn Island, allowing you to flex your brand new X-suit in BGMI.
- Final Form: This is the ultimate appearance of the Stygian Liege X-suit.
- Energy Release: This adds an animated touch to your X-suit’s appearance.
How much will it cost to purchase the Stygian Liege X-suit in BGMI?
If you are lucky, you can get the X-suit with just 300 silver fragments in the game. However, if you are having a bad day, then it could cost you upwards of 10,000 Unknown Currency (UC) to unlock the cosmetic.
Every spin costs 60 UC, and you will need a lot of resources if you want to upgrade the item. Upgrading the Stygian Liege X-suit will cost a lot more money as it requires a great deal of Starforge Stones and Star fragments, which can be rather tedious to acquire.
Other rewards associated with the Scarlet Covenant event in BGMI
Besides the Stygian Liege X-suit, the Scarlet Covenant event comes with an array of other rewards as well, including:
- Bloody Tear Hoverboard
- Shining Eagle Helmet
- Exquisite Magic Emote
- Scarlet Cloak Emote
- Mystic Sorceress Set
- Scarlet Fountain, Pan
- Supreme Royal Smoke Grenade
- Stygian Liege Avatar Frame
- Sacred Maiden Cover
That covers everything you need to know about the Stygian Liege X-suit in the Scarlet Covenant event of Battlegrounds Mobile India.