Months after BGMI's return to the Indian gaming market, Krafton announced the title's collaboration with Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh. Through the announcement video, the developers stated how the actor will act as the game's brand ambassador, and the collaboration will bring about multiple events. Staying true to their words, Krafton has introduced a new Play Pure with Ranveer Singh event.
The addition of the new exchange event has already created a huge deal of buzz amongst Battlegrounds Mobile India's fans.
Everything that BGMI players need to know about the Play Pure with Ranveer Singh event
BGMI version 2.9 was released earlier today, and a new event arrived along with it, Play Pure with Ranveer Singh. It will be available until 5:29 am IST on December 18.
Players will have to complete multiple daily missions and earn Ranveer Singh Tokens (or RS Tokens) to participate in the exchange event. These can then be exchanged for exclusive cosmetics and other items.
Here's an overview of the stunning rewards up for grabs in the new Play Pure with Ranveer Singh event in BGMI:
- Exchange 300 RS Tokens - Lion Champion Set
- Exchange 110 RS Tokens - Lion Champion Headgear
- Exchange 60 RS Tokens - Thorned Rose Crowbar
- Exchange 20 RS Tokens - Neon Kiss Ornament
- Exchange 15 RS Tokens - Classic Crate Coupon
- Exchange 3 RS Tokens - Supply Crate Coupon
While both cosmetics can be redeemed only once, the Crate Coupons can be redeemed multiple times.
Similar to the previous exchange events tokens, the Cricket Bats will expire once the event is over, and will not get carried over to the next iteration of the event. Hence, BGMI players should exchange all the collected Cricket Bats and get their desired rewards as soon as possible.
How to get RS Tokens in BGMI
As mentioned, the RS tokens can be easily obtained by completing daily tasks in the new sub-events. Three sub-events - Login Daily, Team up with Ranveer, and Pure Showdown with Ranveer, were added to Battlegrounds Mobile India earlier today.
Here's an overview of the three sub-events through which BGMI players can earn the RS tokens:
Login Daily:
- Login once every day and get one RS Token each day.
Team up with Ranveer:
- Play Arena mode with friends once every day and get two RS Tokens each day.
- Play Arena mode with friends five times every day and get 10 RS Tokens each day.
Pure Showdown with Ranveer:
- Play classic mode five times and get 15 RS Tokens each day
- Play classic mode 10 times and get 30 RS Tokens each day
- Play classic mode 20 times and get 40 RS Tokens each day
- Play classic mode 30 times and get 40 RS Tokens each day
- Play classic mode 40 times and get 50 RS Tokens each day
- Play classic mode 50 times and get 50 RS Tokens each day
Players across the country can play the new Frozen Kingdom mode to obtain the best gaming experience from the 2.9 update.