Battlegrounds Mobile India, or BGMI, is finally set on track to stage a comeback in India after being subjected to a blockade last July under the Information Technology Act 2000 provisions. Krafton, the South Korean game company behind the battle royale title, announced that they received the green flag for restarting the game’s operation in the country. Now, the studio has implemented several measures to ensure compliance with Indian laws.
Nonetheless, with the official announcement about the return on 19 May 2023, Krafton also pulled the servers down, and it has been a few days since players accessed their favorite battle royale title. As of 23 May, the servers remain inaccessible, and there is no official word from Krafton about when the players will finally get to play BGMI again.
BGMI server status as of 24 May
BGMI servers have been offline for a while, and whenever players launch the game on their device, they encounter a message from the developers about the same. It informs them that the servers are unavailable as they come up with a better and bigger experience. It reads:
BGMI servers will be unavailable for a while to come up with a better and bigger experience. While we are working to give you a seamless experience, your account will be safe, and your progress till now will be retained. We will keep you informed of further developments and the release date through our social media platforms.
If players attempt to close this message and continue to sign in to their account, a separate error will pop up informing them that the server is not online yet and further requests players to wait for official news.
There is no clarity on when the servers will be online. All that players can do is patiently wait for an official word from developers and not believe rumors on the internet.
BGMI set to release this month, confirms Blog post on Krafton's website
Many players have been curious about when BGMI might return since the announcement about the unban was made. Fortunately, the official blog post on Krafton's website clarifies the same point.
The statement specifies that the game's services will start again this month, indicating that the battle royale title is all set to come back in May 2023. Accordingly, fans will not have to wait much, and they can expect their beloved game to return very soon.
Once made available, they can download it from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Users can also anticipate that it will come with loads of new content, which has already been released into PUBG Mobile as part of the 2.6 update.