Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has been unavailable on Google Play Store and Apple App Store for more than four months now. During its absence, fans have come across several rumors and leaks related to the game's potential comeback. However, the future of the title is still shrouded in uncertainty.
Krafton, the publisher and developer for BGMI, hasn't offered an unban date yet, though it released a statement last month. Similarly, India's MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) has also refrained from revealing a comeback date for the title. Needless to say, there have been a lot of developments concerning the title and its future in the country, and the next section mentions the latest ones.
Recent developments hint at uncertainty regarding BGMI's future in India
Krafton's recent response and in-game maintenance break
In the first half of November 2022, Krafton addressed the Battlegrounds Mobile India ban situation by issuing a favorable response via its Q3 earnings report. The focus of the statement was on the efforts to resume the game's operations in India, as the developers shared:
"KRAFTON is continuing its efforts to resume services for BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA (BGMI) and will continue investing in the Indian games market."
This official statement from the developers' side is great news for the game's future in India. The response was followed by an in-game 30-minute maintenance break, which Krafton scheduled a few days back. Although this had little to do with the unbanning of Battlegrounds Mobile India, it still served as a reminder of game officials' activity and authority on the Indian server.
Statement from South Korean Ambassador
In October, the National Assembly Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee audit occurred in New Delhi, India. During the event, H.E. Mr. Chang Jae-Bok was asked by Rep. Kim Hong-gul about the sanctions on South Korean companies in India. The latter specifically mentioned Battlegrounds Mobile India, to which Jae-Bok replied:
"India cited concerns about cyber security breaches and violence in games as reasons for blocking (the game)."
The South Korean Ambassador didn't stop there as he addressed the intent to resolve the situation:
"Battlegrounds (Mobile India) was serviced by Chinese company Tencent in the past, but there are concerns that India still thinks that it is being serviced by a Chinese company, so we are trying to resolve this."
However, despite Jae-Bok's response, no representative of the government of India has commented or reacted to it.
MeitY offered its latest response, which came in September, after an RTI appeal, which claimed the reason behind the game's removal was related to data security. However, readers should not expect an elaborate press release or statement from the country's government regarding the BGMI ban situation.
Leaks suggest the game will return soon, but no official confirmation yet
Many leaks have been making the rounds online, suggesting that a significant update on Battlegrounds Mobile India's unban date can be made public soon, potentially in January 2023. However, no such unofficial information has been confirmed by Krafton. Still, multiple influencers like Technical Guruji, Sardarji YT, and Piyush "Spero" Bhatla expect the title to make a return.