Battlegrounds Mobile India recently dropped an update podcast on its official Instagram page, talking about the BGMI update 3.0's features. The podcast video featured Raunak, Mortal, Owais, Viper, and Thug as the hosts, where they talked about the most sought-after attributes in the upcoming content update. With the speculations regarding its launch growing, the community is ecstatic about the latest features making their way to the title.
While the new version has thrilling inclusions of X-suits, weapon skins, a new voice pack, and more, this article talks about the most exciting BGMI update 3.0 features.
Battlegrounds Mobile India’s latest update podcast reveals the most exciting BGMI update 3.0 features
In the BGMI 3.0 update podcast, the OG lineup of Team S8ul revealed all the best upcoming features, including the Shadow Force Theme Mode (the new mode), in conversation with Animesh Agarwal (8bit_Thug), the host of the podcast.
Decoy Clone Summon
The Decoy Clone Summon will help reduce your chances of elimination. You can deploy a decoy clone mimicking your character’s movement and send it beforehand to scout an apartment or building floor before entering.
While the decoy is incapable of dealing damage, its movement on the mini-map can confuse enemies, making the gameplay more unpredictable and engaging.
Penetrating abilities of bolt-action rifles
This latest BGMI update 3.0 feature will increase your chances of eliminating two enemies at once. The bolt-action rifles have been enhanced to penetrate the target. So even though there is a slower fire rate, a precisely placed shot can deal damage to an enemy behind your original target.
Gulag (Revival Spot)
Recalling your teammates will get easier with the latest BGMI 3.0 update’s introduction of a new respawn battleground. Your teammates can recall you through the recall tower like they used to, but with Gulag’s inclusion in the update, you don’t have to rely on them anymore.
You can engage in the respawn battle in Gulag (i.e., a place where the eliminated players are transported). If you survive for a certain period, you can return to the main game again.
Samurai Sword
The new Shadow Force Theme Mode also introduced the Samurai Sword, a melee weapon with both defensive and offensive capabilities. It throws some swift attacks and short-range dashes to deal damage to enemies, and will thus help you in short-range battles.
Besides, the new melee weapon also provides a short period of blocking functions where you can dodge enemy attacks with its help.
Remodelling Pochinki and other existing structures
This is among the best BGMI update 3.0 features. The developer has remodeled the Pochinki area and the existing buildings in Georgepool, Military Base, Pochinki, and more. This will make players restrategize their drop zone movements around these areas.
Grappling Hook
The Grappling Hook will help you travel to a certain distance. You can throw the hook aiming towards the roof of a building, and then can glide towards that direction once it gets attached.
Heal while driving
Krafton also added this amazing feature in the BGMI 3.0 update where you can easily heal while driving. So when you are outside of a safe zone and caught in the enemy’s crossfire, you can use bandages to keep healing yourself until you reach the safe zone.
These amazing BGMI update 3.0 features are expected to improve your gaming experience. Follow Sportskeeda for more BGMI news, guides, and updates.