For Indian PUBG Mobile fans, the past few months have been good as pre-registration for Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) went live on the Google Play Store in May. Following this, an Early Access version for the Android platform was released in June. It was finally launched for players earlier this month.
Battlegrounds Mobile India will surely boost mobile esports in the country and can be downloaded through the Google Play Store. Alternatively, users can also download it using an APK or OBB file.
BGMI (APK+OBB) download link and size
BGMI APK file download link: Click here
BGMI OBB file download link: Click here
The size of the individual files are 71.95 MB and 646.8 MB. Additionally, players have to download resource packs and maps within the game.
Note: Users with devices running on older Android versions might face a parsing error due to compatibility issues. In this case, they are required to download the battle royale title from the Google Play Store.
Also read: How to find stylish names for Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
Steps to download and install the game
Step 1: Players need both APK and OBB files to get Battlegrounds Mobile India running. They can download those through the links above.
Step 2: They must install the Battlegrounds Mobile India APK file and enable the install from unknown source option before proceeding to avoid any error later on.
Step 3: Once the application is installed, users may copy the given OBB file to Android/OBB/com.pubg.imobile.
A folder has to be created with the same name as above if there isn't one already.
Step 4: Then, they can open BGMI, and then gamers have to choose the resource pack from the available ones as displayed in the photo below:
After the given pack has been downloaded, they will be able to play the game.
Minimum requirements
- Android version: 5.1.1 or above
- RAM: 2 GB and more
(Source: Google Play Store)
Data transfer reward
Battlegrounds Mobile India has a data transfer feature, enabling users to carry forward their previous progress from PUBG Mobile to this version.
However, there is a temporary deadline for data transfer, extended till July 9th, and it will be shut down until further notice. There is a "Rename Card" as a reward for transferring data.
Download reward
BGMI has already crossed the 10 million download mark, implying that all the set targets have been achieved. These rewards include the Supply Crate and Classic Crate Coupon.
In addition to this, there is a permanent Constable Set.
Also read: BGMI 1.5 update expected release date