Battlegrounds Mobile India, commonly known as BGMI, will get its v1.6.0 update today. Players will be able to get a taste of its newest modes and features in the latest update. Many Android users got the update earlier as it was rolled out yesterday around 2:30 pm IST.
However, a lot of gamers didn't receive the BGMI v1.6.0 update yesterday. It will be available on all devices today, by 3:30 pm IST. The update will feature modes like Flora Menace, and many older maps are also coming back to the game.
BGMI v1.6.0 update download
Here is the official release date and time of the BGMI v1.6.0 update:
- For users who play on Android (Google Play Store), they will be able to get the update from 16 September (14:30) to 17 September (15:30).
- Those who play BGMI in iOS will get the update on 17 September (Friday) at 11:00.
Once the update becomes available on their respective app stores, gamers can download it directly. Krafton also announced that some players might have to wait for the update as the distribution differs from device to device.
- Those playing the game on Android require at least 1.5 GB of free RAM and 1 GB of free storage to install the update and play the game smoothly. The Android version must be 4.3 or above.
- For users who own an iOS device, the update size is expected to be around 1 to 1.5 GB. Players are also recommended to use WiFi as the update size will require a significant amount of data.
BGMI v1.6.0 update features
The new update will feature modes and additions as follows:
1) Flora Menace mode
The mode will be available on three maps: Erangel, Livik, and Sanhok. It features the Cell Matrix, which will help players defeat enemies in a brand new style.
Gamers will get three respawns, and various weapons will also be available in the Cell Matrix arena.
2) In-game fixes
There are fixes made to the UI, and features like scope adjustments are also added. Users will be able to get unlimited ammunition in the training grounds for a better gaming experience. The durability of vehicles like UAZ and Mini Bus is also buffed in the v1.6.0 update